3 Pillar Global, The Office

“Jenkins pipelines for Docker container automation” – Flavia Borodi

We need a faster time to market and an increase in the delivered quality in our projects. Both of them are making the testing and devops practices to be more are more collaborative. But how can we include the devops principles in our daily testing activities? Join this session to learn how we managed to do so: – Walkthr

Tough devops concepts, Jenkins and Docker – Ideas how to use Jenkins pipelines script (Groovy DSL) to build, test and deploy Docker application – Best practices for integrating automated tests in Jenkins – Useful notifications

“Selling Testing” – Cristina Opruta & Codruta Bunea

We often have great testing innovative ideas on our project but we can not find the best way to express it to our collegues, managers or clients. We want to start using a new testing approach or type of testing, but our clients do not understand our need and it’s hard for us to define a business case. We need to convince our clients about the testing need …oh! where/how to start?!

How can we sell testing? With this presentation we will explore some lessons learnt and tips and tricks that we faced during our experience in the testing world.

Location: 3 Pillar Global, The Office, Building B, 5th floor Cluj-Napoca

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