Andrei Domuta’s thoughts on previous RTC events

RTC: What made you apply to RTC call 4 papers?
Andrei Domuta: Cluj-Napoca is the home of a vibrant testing community and RTC has already proven that can tackle interesting topics related to both Software Testing and Technology and can attract top IT professionals to get engaged into discussing and finding solutions to the issues that the industry faces.
RTC: What were the challenges and how did you face them?
AD: My biggest challenge was to make my talk’s message simple and effective enough
RTC: Describe (in a few words) your experience as a speaker at RTC.
AD: I had a great time as a speaker at RTC! Starting from the getting familiar with the atmosphere before the Conference, a part which went smoothly to the speaking part, having friendly and engaged participant to the attending other talks which made me leave with a positive perspectives about testing and great new ideas to share with my colleagues back home. The organizers made great offers for the speakers to feel comfortable the whole time.
RTC: Why do other testers need to apply to the RTC call 4 papers?
AD: Sharing new ideas is always welcome as it pushes things forward so the Software Testing industry and community can have a healthy grow.
RTC: How do you encourage other testers to apply to RTC call 4 papers? 
AD: Being a speaker is a cool thing. Having the opportunity to share your ideas or testing experiences in front of a friendly crowd is fun and exciting. And the organizers will support you in order to for you to feel comfortable so you can have an unforgettable experience. One that is definitely out of the daily professional routine.

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