Bring back the magic to your testing – life lessons from a professional magician

Track A - Underwater theme

When was the last time you were really proud of what you achieved in your daily work? Do you still have a twinkle in your eye when you run a test, create a new plan, evaluate the process or complete another task? What happened? In the daily hustle and bustle, we have lost the priceless part of our work – pure joy and engagement. Let us think for a while about why we should all be a little child again.

I was at a point where I no longer enjoyed anything to do with quality assurance activities. I struggled with being self-motivated and meeting expectations. I was able to use all my experience in magic and the entertainment industry to analyze and change my situation. Maintaining a high level of motivation is no longer a problem. I would like to share with you my attitude towards self-motivation, which can easily be applied by anyone who is struggling with the same problems as me.

Key takeaways

  • 3 important soft skills for every person in magic (and the QA field as well)
  • how to avoid burnout and routine
  • how to stay self-motivated and still bring value to your work
  • why it sometimes pays to be a little kid again