[Tutorial] From zero to hero with Cypress


In this tutorial, we will not just dive in and start automating (like crazy) just because we can. We will build a solid foundation first by exploring why well-designed (and implemented test automation frameworks still seem to fail and why some (technically) lesser-designed frameworks could still add more value. The questions we need answering before actually diving into tools are: “Why do we need or want a test automation framework?” and naturally also “What characteristics are most valuable to my/your specific situation?”.

Once you understand the (and your) purpose for (e2e) test automation, we will start shaping our test automation framework. To make it easy to get started I will provide a (publicly hosted) system-under-test (SUT) for which we will build a test automation framework using Cypress.

Cypress is one of the most popular tools in test automation and has a lot of ‘framework’ characteristics. This implies that Cypress wants us to do things a certain way. That doesn’t mean that the learning curve is a steep one: on the contrary! Cypress is actually not that difficult to master but it might look ‘funny’ at first. You’ll get used to it! During this tutorial we will cover all of its typical characteristics and how it differs from other great tools like playwright, testcafé, and selenium.

This tutorial is meant for Cypress beginners. However, some experience with (e2e) test automation and some (very) basic programming skills (also when that’s not with JS/TS) will come of use. After this tutorial, you will be familiar with the most common features and use cases Cypress has to offer. You will be able to setup and implement a sustainable test automation framework containing end-to-end (e2e), API and component testing using Cypress. By the end of the day you will be ready to share your skill and knowledge with your organisation or team.

1. Participants can recognize the pitfalls covered during the workshop

2. Participants have successfully implemented a variation of the Page object model

3. Participants have a model project to take home that contains hooks, custom commands, and API calls/tests according to a pre-defined strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding where the success or failure with test automation comes from and originates.
  • Knowing how to setup and maintain a (sustainable) test automation framework with Cypress that adds value rather than only increasing your overhead costs.
  • Test automation strategies: What, where, and when do we automate?