Lena Nyström

Lena has been building software since 1999, starting out as a developer.

RTC2023 chairperson, she found her passion in testing a decade later and has been focusing on quality in software since then. The last few years have shifted to building organizations and growing people rather than the software itself, but she is still an active voice, and force, in the testing community.

Her core drive is continuous improvement and she strongly believes we all should strive to challenge ourselves, our assumptions and the way things are done.

She is the author and creator of “Would Heu-risk it?” (card deck and book), an avid blogger, international keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. Oh, and her day job is as Engineering Manager where the combination of skills learned are put to work on her teams and the engineering department. 


My Sessions

[Tutorial] Testing Techniques and Heuristics in practice

In this five hour tutorial we will get our hands dirty learning and practicing testing techniques, heuristics and coding exploits to level up our testing skills. We will use (some of) the weapons, tools and traps from the Would Heu-risk it cards and book as the basis and mix short bursts of theory with exercises […]


[Keynote] The Jurassic Park Dilemma – possible, ethical, legal

Technology has the possibility to change everything. Change lives, quality of life or even the direction of mankind. With the use of technical innovations we are able to communicate not only across the world, but across the stars! We are able to do surgeries and medical replacements that where science fiction only decades ago. Without […]
