RTC2014 Presentations and Slides

Codruta Bunea: 

Karoly Kamaras: 

Tony Bruce:
Create your own mind maps

Jan jaap TMMi facts and figures v2 from Romania Testing

Kiran karnad rtc2014 ghdb-final from Romania Testing

Baris sarialioglu testing on the move, mobile testing from Romania Testing

Luis fraile exploratory testing myths ro from Romania Testing

Stephen janaway mobile testing – that’s just a smaller screen, right from Romania Testing

Roland van leusden mobile performance testing rtc 2014 v0.6 from Romania Testing

Rene tuinhout passionate dating for testers and vice versa from Romania Testing

Georgi hristov continuous integration-for mobile test automation from Romania Testing

Gabriel carabat a healthy approach for test automation from Romania Testing

Ady beleanu automate-theprocessdelivery from Romania Testing

Daniel billing exploring the security testers toolbox from Romania Testing

Ciprian balea automated performance-testing from Romania Testing

Andy glover – Artist within everyone from Romania Testing

Andy glover – Visual Testing Workshop from Romania Testing

Adrian bolboaca sherlock holmesandpairing-adibolboaca from Romania Testing

Stephen blower inspiring testers – rtc2014 from Romania Testing


Blogged by participants or speakers:

Virgin Territory

Live From The Romanian Testing Conference



Romanian Testing Conference 2014

Thoughts on RTC2014

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